T-shirt: Topman.
Necklace: Dorothy Perkins.
Earrings: Accessorize.
Gloves: River Island.
Sweeties: River Island.
Halloween is almost upon us! One of my favourite holidays!
The telegraph posted this article (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/6364768/Fancy-dress-sales-jump-as-Halloween-overtakes-Guy-Fawkes-Night.html) yesterday about how Brits are celebrating Halloween more than Bonfire Night, because of influences such as American TV. I dunno, I LOVE Guy Fawkes Night too - there's nothing like the burn-y (?) smell of fireworks and Bonfires (must be the fumes from the burning wheelie bins from the dodgy estate round the corner from mine making me a bit giddy...good old Hebburn!), hats, scarves, mittens and holding cups of soup. Yumyum.
The telegraph posted this article (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/6364768/Fancy-dress-sales-jump-as-Halloween-overtakes-Guy-Fawkes-Night.html) yesterday about how Brits are celebrating Halloween more than Bonfire Night, because of influences such as American TV. I dunno, I LOVE Guy Fawkes Night too - there's nothing like the burn-y (?) smell of fireworks and Bonfires (must be the fumes from the burning wheelie bins from the dodgy estate round the corner from mine making me a bit giddy...good old Hebburn!), hats, scarves, mittens and holding cups of soup. Yumyum.
But Halloween is just another chance for me to dress like an idiot and eat lots of sweets.
I do that anyway, but at least I have a vaguely valid excuse.
I'm so jealous of all the cute kids outfits the shops have in now, usually for under a tenner a time - there was NOTHING like that when I was young unless you spent a bomb, which of course we never did.
I do that anyway, but at least I have a vaguely valid excuse.
I'm so jealous of all the cute kids outfits the shops have in now, usually for under a tenner a time - there was NOTHING like that when I was young unless you spent a bomb, which of course we never did.
My Halloween costume was generally a bin liner, with a witch's hat and fingers my mam got for cheap in Woolworths. And because of the afformentioned dodgy estates, we never really went trick or treating except the one year a group of kids I knew from the liturgy group at church (a bit like Sunday School) invited me round with them (with the watchful eye of our mothers) and I've never known such a violent bunch, practically looting houses for sweets. Catholics, I tell thee.
Halloween is also an excuse for me to pimp one of my FAVOURITE bands, Zombina And The Skeletones.
I know this is a fashion blog, so I won't have much about music, but Zombina are a little kitschy exception. They perform under B-Movie pseudonyms and sing songs such as 'Evil Science', 'At The Megaplex' and 'Nobody Likes You (When You're Dead).' Also, I met Zombina and Doc Horror at their (free!) Newcastle gig and they were utterly, utterly adorable.
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