25 May 2010

Do You Double Denim?

Hey everyone,

I know the trend's been making a comeback for about a year now, but I finally broke down yesterday and embraced my love for double denim:

DRESS: Topshop, £10.
JEGGINGS: New Look, £18.
SHIRT: New Look, £18.
BELT: New Look, £2.
NECKLACE: Lady Luck Rules OK, £3.
WATCH: D&G, £Birthday present.
BAG: River Island, £20.
SHOES: Primark, £5.
POINT OF FASHION: Denim and pink.

So many wonderful things in the world come in doubles - double discounts, double cream, double entendres (especially when me and Daniel are around!)...

I know, I know. Double denim is like Marmite - you either love it or hate it!
I think it's because so many of us have traumatic memories from childhood, am I right?



Granted I was only about 12, when things like fashion shouldn't really matter.
But COME ON, now!
There really is nothing flattering about this is there?
FIRST RULE OF DOUBLE DENIM: Wear different shades of denim!

This picture is proof.
I practically look like I'm in a denim body suit - if it wasn't for those awful AWFUL trousers, which look like the lovechild of jeggings and harem pants.

But I think with the right outfit, it can look pretty cute at the moment - I don't think it's a trend that's going to last very long, though. So stock up on cheap and cheerful peices for the summer!

So how about you guys?

Do you dare to double denim this summer? Reckon it can look chic in it's own way?
Do you think it's had it's time, and the entire nation is looking like a Dexy's Midnight Runners tribute act?

Let me know what you think?

Muchos love,

PS: Coming up soon are reviews from Lush, Simply Be, Lushae Jewelry and a haul post from the shopping spree I went on yesterday!


  1. I think it looks fab on you but I don't really like it, mainly because I don't tend to wear denim at all so I think this is a trend that will pass me by... Danni can rock it though! :)

    Maria xxxx

  2. Hmm...I think, with good styling and simple pieces, we can pull it off.

    I love your outfit btw,so chic!=).

  3. thank you for making me laugh! :D

    As a teen I wore denim COATS and other embarrassing stuff, so I rarely put myself into denim anymore.

    only as jeans, shorts or skirts...

  4. i dont like double demin! im not even a fan of single denim really!

    although i think it looks adorable on you though, recently ive seen people wear double denim really well!

    That paris dess from topshop is one of those things ive been coverting for a while, they didnt have my size when it was in the sale ):


  6. Danni: Yeah I didn't wear much denim until recently as I overdosed on it from the ages of 11 to 16! But it's making a welcome comeback to my wardrobe ;)

    Ann: I agree, I think simplicity is the key to making it work :) xxxxxx

    Lodi: I'm glad it made you laugh, I love sharing embarassing fashion photos - believe me, I have plenty. I may dedicate a whole entry to some of my best bad-fashion moments soon! ;) xxxx

    Lily: I was the same until recently as I used to wear denim with everything, so I tired of it. Aww as for the Paris top - try a few sizes as it's very generous sizing. The one I have on is actually a size 14, which I am definately NOT - ESPECIALLY in Topshop, so give other sizes a try :) xxxxxxxx

    Cate: I used to live in New Look's cartoon t-shirts, so I can't help but check them out when they have new ones in! I was nice bumping into you yesterday, I fancy another coffee date soon? :) xxxxxxxxx

  7. It looks great, and like you said, it has to be different shades!

  8. You look lovely! I've never tried double denim (since those horrendous childhood fashion faux pas!) but you've inspired me. Love that shirt you're wearing!

  9. I love your outfit... you've deffinatly got the double denim right second time round :]
    Different shades are a must.

    lovelovelove xx

  10. That photo of you at twelve is magnificent. I cringe when I remember what I wore in my youth. How I didn't get drop kicked by the "cool kids" every day of my life I'll never know.

    I don't dare attempt double denim. I really don't know how to make it work. I'd probably look like some over-accessorized prison inmate. But you doubled your pleasure / doubled your fun quite nicely, so perhaps I could just follow your lead.

  11. You look cute but I would not do a double denim for myself.

  12. i love double denim...but yes I agree that one piece needs to be light and one needs to be dark. i tend to do light on top and dark on bottom.

  13. i don't wear much denim at all myself so i don't think i'd feel at home in double denim. i like it on other people though! definitely has to be contrasting shades though

  14. totally agree with you about the traumatic childhood double denim faux pas, we all have them! but you're right, with different shades, it can look great. love the dress too!

  15. I'm still unconvinced by double denim, I had a bash at it a few weeks ago but I'm not sure I pulled it off (which probably means I didn't)

    I absolutely love this look on you though. I don't think I'd have noticed it was double denim if it hadn't been pointed out because the outfit just works!

  16. u do the double denim trend so well! love it!

  17. you always look so lovely! you're so fortunate to live and operate in the UK... it's difficult to find anything cute and in a size 16 in the US! Luckily, I come to the UK every few months and do a bit of shopping. Do you know of any upcoming summer sales anywhere?

  18. I love the look of double denim. It's so casual, and you play it so well against the more "formal" print on the dress. But then, I love Marmite!

  19. It's weird, I love how double denim looks but have yet to try it myself. I think the fact that most of my denim is the same shade, is putting me off! You're working it bb, love the Topshop dress! :)

  20. I will definately not be wearing double denim ever. I hate single denim :P
    I love your Eiffel Tower dress though, and the little 12 year old Carla :D
    There's one bloke who can rock the double denim though:

  21. I love everything except the denim! I hate denim, I don't even know why. However everything else looks lovely on you Carla. I especially like the dress, £10 in Topshop?! It had to be on sale right? Its lovely anyways xo

  22. stina honey: Thank you :) xxxx

    Helen: Thanks! Be brave and give it a go :DD xxxx

    RoboRain: Agreed, thanks! :)

    Deana: I love looking back at the fashion faux pas of my teenage years and laughing! The key to making double denim work is to keep it simple :)

    Gazel M.: Thanks :)

    carly: HOORAH! Another D-Denim fan! And yeah, I go lightest on top too :)

    jennie: Aww thank you sweetie xxxxx

    Helen: I've only recently started wearing it again. I still don't own a proper pair of jeans though!

    K.M.: Thanks! And I just adore the dress too :)

    Bethamint: Ooh I bet you looked mint, man! Is there a pic of it on your blog, I'll have a look around :)

    BBM: Thank you :D xxxx

    Elsa Weatherwax: Oh I definately agree, as much as I love the USA I found it so difficult to find clothes that fit - they were either teeny-tiny or plus sized. My favourite shop in the US is quite tragically Hot Topic :DD I love their t-shirts! How come you manage to commute here so much? Jealous!

    Phuong: You're right, I think it works best against a 'formal' main peice so it doesn't look too casual! :) xxxxx

    StephanieDJL: Oh I think you'd REALLY suit it, give it a go! :) xxxx

    Lillian Funny Face: Oh Astley <333 Haha I know I haven't started wearing denim since I was 12 until lately, but I know loads of people who can't stand it either :)

    pearlslaceandruffles: Uhm, thanks? I think! ;) xxx

  23. Hey Carla! I visit the UK pretty often because my lover boy lives outside London...love my English lad and lucky to have him, especially when he takes me shopping! xD

    Torrid has some so-so plus size fashions in the US but are overpriced and not made very well. We also have Forever21 Faith line which is incredible. If only the UK had Forever21, then you'd have it all girl! <3

  24. Ooh lucky you - ask him to take you to a few shows in London, that's my favourite thing to do besides shopping! ;D

    YES I do love Forever 21, very reasonable prices too. They remind me a lot of Miss Selfridge here? Ahh you're making me all excited for going back to the USA in just under a month! Aaaahh! :)

  25. Hey Carla!
    I'd been a reader of your fashion blog for quite a long time now.. and i'm lovin' every single bit of it! You put ordinary pieces and mix them so well together! I never thought of doublt denim, until you rocked it! Love that Topshop dress! Look pretty on you!

    lots of <3,
    Sandra :D

  26. I like double denim depending on the pieces. I'm not sure how to pull it off myself tho.

