14 October 2010

Shake Your FunnyBones!

Hey everyone,

One of my faaaaavourite holidays is almost upon us...Halloween!

I have to admit I'm not as excited as I was last year, where I went to a big house party hosted by some fellow Media students. Who, by the way, take Halloween EXTREMELY seriously.

Everyone had either made their own outfits!, or hired them from a shop which provides films and tv shows with their costumes.
The front room had a few of the lads who run the local dubstep night playing the decks, and it was a great atmosphere.

But this year, I haven't really got anything special planned.
That doesn't mean that I can't enjoy the spooky peices in the shops at the moment:

I of course named this set after my favourite books as a child, FunnyBones, which also spawned a cute TV show narrated by Griff Rhys Jones:

"In a dark, dark town there was a dark, dark street..."

This is just a short post, as I have a few planned coming up to Halloween - promise!

Muchos love,


  1. Best books ever! There was one where they lost their car and I can still remember now that I was like "Owww I do hope they find their car =/"
    Love that jumper too. I may have to start trying them on again. They just always seemt o make my tattybojangles look HUGE. x
    Oh and also, thanks for my wee shout out in the last post! =]

  2. Ah I loved funny bones! The song alone was just amazing.

  3. I LOVE Halloween not enough attention goes on this super time of year, I'm going all gooey eyed over all the sparkly skulls in store they're my one weekness xoxo

  4. I never saw this series. Looks funny, but I think as a kid I would have been to scared to watch something with skeletons xD
    Hmm.. in Germany Halloween isn't a big thing. People just see a nother day to get drunk but not dressed up. :( sad.

  5. FUNNY BONES! ohhh my. i forgot all about funny bones! x

  6. I LOVED that book! x

  7. I'm going to a big halloween club night and I can't wait!
    I used to be obsessed with Funny Bones when I was little :)

  8. Hehe I loved funnybones too!

    I saw a skeleton necklace on the Topshop website too...these things are everywhere!

  9. Oh Carla, you can come to my party if you want! Am going all out this Halloween as we moved house a couple of weeks ago and now have the space to have a Partay! xx

  10. Poppy: Me too! The Ghost Train was always my favourite so I was dead pleased to find it on YT! Me too, I always buy a size up for jumper for that reason :) xxxxx

    Alison: Definitely! :)

    ❤Cate❤: Me too, I love them :) I read an interesting article last year on how Brits are spending more money on Halloween than Bonfire Night due to American influences. I do love Bonfire Night too :) xxxx

    Katrin: Aww really? If they were friendly monsters I wasn't scared. What I WAS scared of, was that episode of Pingu with the walrus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fe4LFcA1ph8 It's just TERRIFYING!!

    Morgaine: Haha awwww :)

    frenchforcupcake: Me too, I used to collect the series :) xxxxx

    Emma Jade: Ooh fun! I might be doing something like that too, just nothing's set in place :) xxxx

    Lucy - Beauty and the Blogger: Yeah, I love it! xxxx

    VintageGirl87: Awww cheers, I hope you have fun! Be sure to post loads of pictures! xxxx

  11. Awh I love that book. But I love that necklace more. And the Oasis piece (brooch?) xx

  12. aaah, man this made me miss my childhood!!

    Love the skeleton necklace too :)

