Hey everyone,
Wow. Long hiatus was long.
You may have noticed my hiatus from the internet for the last five months - most notably my blog, and Twitter.
There was no big reason - certainly nothing dramatic - just perhaps lots of little things.
I'm doing a lot more hours at work recently - I've now worked in the travel industry since October 2013, and it's currently peak season.
Having a job that requires responsibility for the first time is not only challenging me, but has also given me a confidence boost.
(My self esteem dropped to an all-time low last year, mostly due to being unemployed for most of it.)
I do miss the creative side of blogging, so will be taking baby steps in my glitter Converse to try blogging more regularly again.
However, in my meantime - I thought I'd post a bit of a catch-up in the last five months, as I have still been quite active on Instagram.
This is quite picture-heavy so ye have been warned!

I bought an awesome/fugly shirt.
Daniel has moved to London and now works in his dream job as a celebrity journalist.
However when we are together, we order too many Long Island ice teas and get loud.

Affirmation that I am old before my time - nana dates with Marie and Lauren!
Left is The Old Vestry Tea Rooms; the right is Serendipity - both are in Sunderland.

Me and Hayley exchanged belated Christmas parcels and she sent the cutest, pinkest package ever.
I actually made a video below of me opening everything (which I've completely forgot to send to Hayley) if you'd like to see what was inside:
This was filmed on my iPhone back in early Spring which is why I'm wearing a wooly jumper.
Also, count how many times I say "cute". Clue: a lot.

One of my favourite things about this year is that I've reconnected with my old friend, Claire.
We met the first day of college when we were 16, and were pretty much inseparable for three years.
Sadly, life got in the way, and we eventually lost touch.
However we now meet every other Saturday to drink copious amounts of wine, order takeaway, watch videos of cats on YouTube and gossip.
Good times!

I ticked one of my ultimates off my bucket list: I cosplayed at a convention!
I went as Isabelle from Animal Crossing: New Leaf at the Newcastle Comic Con.
I know there was a lot of controversy with this con on the day with it tickets being over-sold, and people being turned away despite having already purchased tickets.
In a rushing-around-in-cosplay-induced brain fart, I actually forgot my pre-purchased ticket on the day, had to buy a new one, but luckily I only queued for about twenty minutes.
It was ridiculously crowded, and there needs to be a lot of improvement with the organisation next year.
Saying that, I did have a lot of fun - and quite a few people asked to take my photo which was fun!

It was my birthday in May, and I turned 25! Officially a quarter-of-a-centry old, guys...
I went to the local pub with my family, for Japanese food at Nudo with the schoolies and also Las Iguanas with Claire.

My style has evolved a lot this year - I'm now wearing separates 99% of the time and have rediscovered my love for skinny jeans. (Yes, really.)

I've had two cheeky jaunts to Scotland.
I went to Edinburgh with work, and visited my sister again in Glasgow.

I do love me some acrylic jewellery - I bought these with my birthday money.
The solar system necklace has been on my wish-list ever since it came out, and is by Sugar & Vice.
Their pieces are a little more expensive than other acrylic brands on Etsy (still nowhere near Tatty Devine's price tag!) but the quality is absolutely outstanding.
The attention to detail really is amazing, and everything is packaged and presented very professionally.
The teeth necklace and panda collar clips are by I'm Your Present.
While I do love the pieces (the gold tooth cracks me up!), and the prices are very reasonable for acrylic - I asked for the length of chain to be extended on the notes and this didn't happen.
They were nice enough to send me some extra chain and I'm going to ask my uncle to attach this on for me as he has a soldering gun - but just something to bear in mind.

Moar food? OK!
My dad made tapas, and out for a bento at St Sushi with Nadia.

Fun with Georgina at The Late Shows in Newcastle.
While Newcastle's after dark scene is pretty much orange people wearing very little and dancing to music I don't know, sometimes you have a really random night that involves a petting zoo, riding in Cinderella's carriage and being read childrens' stories by a Mackem lass dressed as Peter Pan.

At the con, David Prowse signed my A Clockwork Orange book.
(I also have Malcolm McDowell (Alex) and Michael Tarn's (Pete) autographs in there from a con back in 2007.)
I also received the cutest invitation to my friend Hattie's upcoming nuptials.
It's a Zelda heart!
(Yes, Hattie's real name is Rachel. It's only really me and a few other college friends who call her Hattie...)

I went to my first StreetPass Newcastle meet with lots of other local fangirls and fanboys.
Everyone I spoke to was super-friendly, but I wish I'd spoken to more people - I'm just super socially awkward, especially when they've all known each other quite a while!
(Spot me with my pink 3DS?)

Annnnnd finally - last night I saw my bestie Sam for the first time in six months, as she works in TV and doesn't get a lot of time to come home.
Many pints, much gin.
Right, so I think that's you all caught up.
I've booked my holiday for this year - I'm finally going to Japan in October, and just booked my accommodation today in Koenji, on Hayley's recommendation!
I'm staying in Tokyo for just under two weeks and plan on having a few nights in Kyoto too.
I'm so ridiculously excited!
Look out for a Tokyo holiday-inspired wish list post coming soon!
For now I'll leave you with my favourite photo from The Late Shows when I suddenly became teeny tiny:
God, I do love a photo op.
I've missed you all!
Muchos love,
Yayyyy glad to see you back, I missed you!
ReplyDeleteMaria xxx
Welcome back!