Hey everyone,
We all have a blank now and again. If you're me, more often than not.
One of my new years resolutions is to begin more creative projects - however I find that with January in particular being so long, dull, dank and dark my creative juices have a little trouble flowing.

However I am such a fan of creative prompt books, here are my top five favourites.
Okay, this one gets the 'honourable mention' tag because I guess it's not a creative prompt in the strictest sense.
I love to journal, and have done since I was about 11 on and off. But as time goes on, you work harder and you get home later and there just isn't time for long drawn out entries.
So a simple question a day is nice if you still want to keep journalling in your busy life.
And because it last five years, it's really fun to look back on how you were feeling a year - or years - ago! Think Timehop in book form.
It is also available in separate forms for mothers, teens, kids and couples which would make lovely gifts for specific people in your lives.
Sadly I didn't keep this journal up in 2015...maybe I should catch up for this year?
All about Me is basically an autobiography prompt for those who could never be bothered to write their own. Well, that's one use.
As someone whose teenager years were largely spent filling in quizzes on MySpace that nobody ever read, I do enjoy books like this. Filled with questions - some simple, and some more pressing. There's even a multiple choice section.
The author suggests this book can either be left blank, and the questions can be used as conversation starters. Or it can be filled in to be kept, discussed or even given as a gift.
I decided to write in my copy, but the answers are quite personal so I've shared a blank page.
With prompts such as "A houseplant dying, tell it why it has to live" and "fix the plot of the worst movie you've ever seen" there is plenty to get into.
I must admit, creative writing is not my particular forte so I find this the most challenging of the books I own.
But I'm finding reading pieces which have been completed and uploaded to Twitter and Instagram very inspiring and makes me want to pick this up again.
The cover is actually one of the prompts: "Photograph your parents kissing."
Though the online project officially stopped accepting submissions in 2009, and was handed to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art the original 60+ prompts live on in this book and you can of course browse other pieces on the original website.
It's a very interactive book, with users still uploading their work online via Tumblr, Facebook etc. featuring prompts such as "Photograph a significant outfit" and "Sculpt a bust of Steve" I find this especially inspiring when I want to do something outside of just writing.
Also I am such a huge fan of Miranda July - her 2005 film Me And You And Everyone We Know is one of my desert island films. Please check it out if you've never seen it.
(I still need to see her second film: The Future.)
I honestly feel I can't function very well without constant reminders as while my long-term memory is practically photogenic - my short-term memory needs some work.
Of course this series is a lot more fun and lighthearted than your everyday lists. I only have the original Listography and Music Listography in my collection, but I really would like some more.
So now you know.
1. Absolutely anything by Keri Smith
Honestly, anything Keri Smith touches is just wonderful.
You may have seen the popular Wreck This Journal which can be found in most bookshops (and also places like Urban Outfitters etc). The purpose of this book is - as the title suggests - completely wreck the journal until it is almost unrecognisable.
Of course as is explained on the very first page - you can completely choose to ignore the prompts and dance to the beat of your own drum which suits me down to the ground.
However Keri Smith does have several other creative books, two of which I own:
How To Be An Explorer of the World
How To Be An Explorer of the World prompts the reader to explore the world as if they have never seen it before. Document it. Go on scavenger hunts. Create mini exhibitions and crafts. Write surveys and document the findings.
As someone who does find joy in the little things in life, I really do enjoy going through this book for inspiration to leave the house more.
The Imaginary World of.
The Imaginary World of is actually quite similar to How To Be An Explorer of the World...except the world is imaginary, as the title suggests.
What would this world's manifest be? What would the currency look like? And who would you be in this world?
It's certainly more out there than her previous books, but I also love this one - especially as it was a gift from my bestie Claire after she'd seen some of my Wreck This Journal pages on my Instagram.
And there you have it. Have I missed any of your favourites out?
Let me know!
Muchos love,
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